The Journey Within Retreat

Oct 24 - 28 2024 | Ashland, OR

“Don’t go off sightseeing. The real journey is right here. The great excursion starts from exactly where you are. You are the world. You have everything you need. You are the secret. You are the wide opened.”    -  Rumi

The Journey Within Retreat is a gathering of 20 individuals committed to growth and expansion for a holistic weekend of yoga, interactive sessions, breathwork, dream exploration, meditation, and immersion in nature.

Journey Through the Kaleidoscope

Reconnecting to your true nature can be a challenging thing to do, especially with the many competing demands of worldly life. Join like-minded individuals in creating a safe container for self-exploration and self-renewal.

This year, we set our sails to embark upon an inner journey through the kaleidoscope of Self, where every twist and turn has the potential to reveal new insights and perspectives. By harnessing the practices of yoga, meditation, breathwork, and dream exploration, we aim to facilitate a profound encounter with your inner self and the hidden layers of your consciousness.

Nestled in the Ashland Mountains, you will connect to the land and the Indigenous People who gathered on the same land for peace and healing centuries ago. 

Nourish yourself through wholesome meals made with organic, locally-sourced ingredients.

In this environment, you're invited to inquire deeply, listen fully, and share authentically.

Join us for a four day immersive experience to journey within yourself. Your personal search can take on many forms and every person has their own unique story. If you are curious and willing to dive deeper into yourself within a safe and collective container, this is a wonderful program for you.


"I can't describe how effective and impactful it's been for me. I am actually surprised that I am no longer holding on to the traumas, wounds and grief from the recent few years any more.  I still can't believe it.  

Before, my default when I wasn't busy was to have constant thoughts that would weigh me down.  Now they come to mind less frequently and they don't consume me, they just pass. Months of therapy didn't do the magic this retreat did for me.

God bless you for the work you do."

"My advice to anyone thinking of coming would be - if you are reading this and considering coming, this is probably a sign from the universe that this is for you. Don’t take my word for it, just ask your intuition! I booked this retreat on a whim, and I’m not a fan of group retreats, however, this was exactly what I needed.

With the support of the facilitators and the environment they created I was able to connect to my body, unblock and release emotions I had been holding for years. I feel truly rejuvenated, lighter, connected and rooted in myself."

"I didn’t anticipate the breath work to help me release things I was holding on to. It’s hard to put into words but if you’re reading this that means something must’ve prompted you to check it out.

 All I can say is that it’s an experience and if you do it with an open mind and heart, you will feel transformative effects. The experience will be as magical as you allow it to be when you open up and trust the people you are sharing it with. The facilitators are so intentional in what they have created that it’s impossible to not be touched by this wonderful experience."

"The food was amazing, the staff was astounding, and the sense of community created was upfliting and healing. 10/10 would recommend."

"They created a sense of community amongst the attendees with a space of acceptance, confidentiality and respect. This allowed me to share deep inner realizations and, in return, I received thought provoking wisdom and feedback to understand myself better."

"I am so excited for my journey instead of facing it with fear, so I am very very veryyyy grateful to you for putting this together, SO WELLLLL, especially for the first time. It truly feels like a beautiful dream. Thank you :)"

The Investment

The cost of this program is $1,400 USD. This includes accommodation for 4 nights, all meals, all sessions, and transportation to and from Medford Airport. Payment plans available.

Airfare is not included. 

With limited spaces available, acceptance is based on first come, first serve basis. 


The Journey Within Retreat will take place at the Land known as Buckhorn Springs, A 124-acre inholding of the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument in the Ashland Mountains in Ashland OR. An enchanting place where one feels connected to the land beginning with Indigenous People who gathered on this ground for peace and healing centuries ago. 

The Land known as Buckhorn Springs provides a unique environment nestled in its own small valley with a creek, old oaks, ponderosa pines, tall aromatic cedars, and open meadows.

For your stay, you will have your own room in either our main lodge or in one of the cozy cabins on site. Some of the cabins have an attached bathroom, while a few of the cabins use a shared bathhouse. You can learn more directly from The Land known as Buckhorn Springs accommodations page. If you have an accommodation preference, please make a note on your application form.

Hello from  Your Team

Kitty Normand

Kitty is the founder and owner of Yoga Dharma Studios, where she combines her expertise as a celebrated yoga teacher, plant medicine apprentice under Shipibo maestros, sound healer, and licensed bodyworker to create a sacred space for healing and transformation. 

Her approach to practice and healing is prayer-centered through the meditative mind: channeling light, love, and liberation through neutrality in her work to encourage confidence in the connection to Self and the many worlds around us. Kitty’s dedication to mysticism has taken her on a journey of studies and exploration, broadening her understanding of the world of plant medicine and Kundalini yoga. The masterful weaving of these threads of knowledge supports multidimensional healing and opening doors.

In retreat, her work is founded on her incredible, bright, and deep presence, Kitty mirrors the light and love that sits in front of her and encourages each participant to tap into their own healing potential. When asked about integration, Kitty believes that integration is the embodiment of being in the body right here, right now. 

Her foundation in massage, energetic bodywork, breath, and yoga allows her to guide individuals through plant medicine journeys with incredible lightness, safety, and body awareness. As she supports individuals in their journeys, Kitty’s love for breathing, feeling, singing, freestyling, dancing, connecting with plants, and celebrating love as a way of life brings profound medicine to the healing space.

Kaitlyn Osborne

Kaitlyn is here to embody this life. She is dedicated to a path of integration and presence. While remembering some of the best medicine is joy, love, and playfulness. She is passionate to be in service to support others to heal, create, and ascend. 

She has a deep connection to Mother Earth and loves to be out in nature. She has worked closely with Plant Medicine for a few years on her own healing journey and now facilitates in this space. She has trained in various energy healing modalities as well as within breathwork. She has worked within the cacao and fire ceremonies with one of her teachers and continues ancestral teachings while living in the Sacred Valley of Peru. Kaitlyn is committed to a holistic healing approach and is fascinated with the different journeys we can take for our own divine healing. 

Kaitlyn believes we are each our own healers and part of this life is reclaiming our own sovereign being and agency. Other joys in Kaitlyn’s life are traveling, trekking, reading, creating, and passing time with loved ones.

Shamir Virani

Shamir is passionate about restoring harmony and balance within the Self as well as in relationship to the environment.

In the past, he has served as a co-facilitator at retreats oriented around holistic living as well as various roles with Jubilee Monuments Corp. Trained as a Transformative Life Coach with the Satvatove Institute, he focuses on psychedelic journey Integration and trauma-informed somatic experience.

For the past several years, he’s been working with plant medicines and connecting with indigenous teachers in South America. Particularly, working with the plant spirits with the Shipibo tribe and learning to work more with the elements and mountain energies with the Q'ero of Peru. Additionally, he has spent the last several years exploring the role of dreams in community with the Sápara Nation of Ecuador. You can earn more about his studies and offerings here.

Shamir is currently diving deeper into pranic healing, the relationship between dreams and the personal unconscious, and playing the guitar. He enjoys gardening, cooking, poetry, music, bird-watching, and photography. 

Questions Answered

Who is The Journey Within retreat for?

This four day immersive experience is for those looking to take a deep journey of self-exploration. This personal search is a lifelong process and can take on many forms throughout the course of our life. At certain stages, it can be helpful to share a collective experience in a safe healing container and that is what we hope to create. 

The Journey Within Retreat is open to all individuals 18 years of age and older.

Can I apply if I live in Canada?

Yes! This retreat is open to anyone from around the globe interested in attending. Please note that all of the sessions will be conducted in English.

What is included in the program cost?

The cost for this program is $1400. This includes accommodations for 4 nights at The Land known as Buckhorn Springs Resort in Ashland, Oregon as well as all meals, activities, sessions, transportation to and from Medford airport.

What is NOT included is your flight.

Why do I have to fill out an application?

The application is an integral part of getting to know you and to ensure there is alignment with this program. It’s also where you can make a note of things that will keep your body happy and nourished, such as dietary preferences and anything you’d like us to be aware of for your health and wellbeing.

Can I attend with my partner or spouse?

Yes! If you feel inspired to go on this journey together, you are most welcome to apply as a couple. Please indicate this on your application form. Your partner must also submit an application. 

What should I expect for accommodations?

You’ll be housed in your own room either in one of the ultra cozy cabins or the lodge. If you’re applying as a couple and would like to share a room, please note this in your application form so we can house you accordingly. 

What kind of physical activity will be offered?

Physical activity will be conducted throughout the course of the weekend including but not limited to walking uphill and downhill between different venues along with exercises (e.g. hiking, yoga, etc.). If there are concerns about mobility, please note this on your application at the end.


Is there a payment plan available?

Yes. Upon submission of application, a 50% deposit can made to secure your spot. The balance of the total amount can be made no later than 30 days before the start of the retreat.

Can I arrive late or depart from the retreat early?

This retreat is meant to be experienced in its entirety and requires a full commitment. We want you to get the most of all this retreat has to offer. 

Will I have access to the internet and/or cell service?

We invite you to use this as an opportunity to unplug from technology and immerse yourself in the beautiful and abundant nature that will surround you. However, there is Wi-Fi on-site in all the buildings. The connection can be slower on some days than others. For cell service, please note there is no service on site, except with AT&T. 

Which airport do I fly in and out of?

Rogue Valley International Medford Airport (MFR). This is a small airport, so you may find yourself with a connecting flight from your city. Please schedule Incoming flights to arrive by 5:30pm on October 24 and outgoing flights to depart after 1:30pm on October 28 to allow for sufficient time for program activities. If your attendance is confirmed, we will be in touch to discuss your travel arrangements.

Transportation will be provided to and from MFR airport on arrival (Oct 24) and departure days (Oct 28).

What happens if I have to cancel after I’ve already paid and can’t attend anymore?

We understand plans can change. 

Cancellation more than 60 days before retreat start date: Full refund of the retreat cost, minus a $250 administrative fee.

Cancellation 30-60 days before retreat start date: 50% refund of the retreat cost.

Cancellation less than 30 days before retreat start date: No refund available.

What if I have dietary restrictions?

Not to worry! We collect your dietary information in the application you’ll fill out. Food is an important aspect of the daily experience, and we want to keep your body nourished in a way that it will happily receive it. The lovely Chef Marion and Chef Fatima will be preparing a mixed cuisine of delicious, wholesome, organic, and fresh meals every day.

What might a day at The Journey Within look like?

The Journey Within’s approach is designed to be holistic. We focus on integrating our organizing principles of spiritual expression, mindfulness, and relationship with Self and others.

You will be invited to participate in a balanced and full day with activities  such as nature walks, yoga, breathwork, structured and independent reflection, collective song and dance, workshops, and a cultivation of practices around mindfulness.

Here is an example of what a day at The Journey Within might look like:

8:00 AM  - Morning Yoga & Meditation

9:30 AM   - Breakfast

10:30 AM - Land Offering in Andean Tradition

12:30 PM - Lunch

1:45 PM   - Workshop - Muladhara Chakra

3:00 PM  - Workshop - Timelines of Significance

4:00 PM  - Free Time

4:30 PM  - Cacao and Breathwork

7:30 PM  - Dinner

Who do I reach out to if I have a question?

Email us at